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  • 四房色播 透露谈话学感情委果性与施展当然性探源<br>An Exploration of the Sources of Psychological Reality and Natural Interpretation of Cognitive Linguistics
    发布日期:2024-10-13 20:00    点击次数:181

    四房色播 透露谈话学感情委果性与施展当然性探源<br>An Exploration of the Sources of Psychological Reality and Natural Interpretation of Cognitive Linguistics

    College of Foreign Languages四房色播, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai

    Email: wcgao@shou.edu.cn, lfzhang@shou.edu.cn

    Received: Jul. 8th, 2013; revised: Aug. 30th, 2013; accepted: Sep. 13th, 2013

    Copyright © 2013 Wencheng Gao, Lifang Zhang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


    The present paper explores the sources of psychological reality and natural interpretation of cognitive linguistics systematically and thoroughly. The authors think that the two merits come into being under the theoretical prerequisite that cognitive linguistics acknowledges life experiences as a part of human language knowledge. Under the precondition, the mature and profound theoretical foundations in the field of cognitive psychology and the findings of cognitive neuroscience lead to incomparable psychological reality, whose nature is the internalized sensorimotor experiences in the neuro-network of human brain. Embodied philosophy, which has extensively absorbed the achievements of cognitive science, has substantially demonstrated that embodiment plays a central role on the levels of concept, mind and truth by choosing cognitive unconscious as a primary breakthrough. Because all levels of language located in cognitive unconscious are embodied, language interpretation is as natural as the way we feel individually and practically in life, since we are both life experiencers and language users. It is concluded that psychological reality cannot be separated from natural interpretation四房色播, which is determined by the physiological fact that human eyes and brain are uniquely combined and the fact that the embodied philosophy is supported by numerous accomplishments of cognitive science studies.

    Keywords: Cognitive Linguistics; Psychological Reality; Natural Interpretation; Cognitive Science; Embodied Philosophy





    Email: wcgao@shou.edu.cn, lfzhang@shou.edu.cn

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